Our School Dog


Kenny is a Staffordshire Bullterrier. He has been visiting school since January 2023 to get used to the sights, sounds and smells.  He belongs to Mrs Tierney, the Head teacher.  He is currently completing training delivered by the Kennel Club after passing his Puppy Training earlier this year.  A full risk assessment has been completed and shared with the governing board.

Benefits of having a dog at school include –

· Dogs teach children about responsibility – by children having to remember to feed and give water to the dog it can give them a sense of importance and satisfaction that they may not get from other responsibilities.

· Dogs teach children patience – they do not always do as they are told first time!

· Dogs teach children compassion – just like us dogs feel pain and emotion.

· Dogs teach children about socialisation – by the children learning how to interact with a dog they can better learn how to socialise with other children.

· Dogs are fun – they greet you with a wagging tail every day and put a smile on your face, even on a bad day.

Kenny is based in The Head Teacher and Family Support Worker's Office which is separate from the classrooms and the children will only be able to interact with him under strict supervision and as long as parental / guardian permission has been given. When he is moving around the school he will be on a lead and always with an adult. We hope in time, he will be able to support children in school in areas such as reading, nurture groups, with attendance and also being in the quiet areas on the playground at playtimes.