'Pride in all we do'
We wish our school to be one where:
Our school curriculum is organised and structured in to cross-curricular topics which cover all aspects of the National Curriculum (2014). The subjects to be taught in FS, Key Stage 1 and 2 at Kingsfold Primary School are varied thus offering the children a broad and balanced curriculum with many opportunities to embed skills and knowledge.
We encourage our children to;
We base our curriculum on the requirements of the National Curriculum; however we do not allow this to limit us. Our school curriculum evolves and changes to meet the needs of our children and to reflect both the school community and the community our children come from.
We will always meet statutory coverage, however our themes and topics will change as our community and the community we serve changes. We encourage staff to have flexibility to meet the wider aims of our curriculum along with promoting our Core British Values (Democracy, The rule of law, Individual liberty, Mutual respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs).
“In geography, I learnt about 4 and 6 figure grid references. It was fun!” Nancy, Year 5.
“I enjoy doing art. I am better at sketching,” Brynley-Coen, Year 3.
“I have enjoyed learning to play the ukulele in Year 4,” Oliver, Year 4.
“I like art and learning about painting in different ways,” Lola, Year 2.
100% of parents asked in the parental questionnaire said that the curriculum engages their child.
Autumn 2022